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Around The Clock, We Are There For The World's Most Vulnerable Children

A Message From COCI’s Founder, Juli Hall

7 A.M. Houston – A teen-ager is getting ready to walk to high school. The son of incarcerated parents, he doesn’t always have a bed to sleep in, breakfast or a change of clean clothes. But with the help of our No More Victims Program, he is no longer thinking about suicide and has started preparing for college.

7 A.M. Mexico – Five miles across the U.S. border, a girl heads to elementary school. Her family lives near a trash dump and when the gunfire from the cartel wars is too close, she can’t leave her house. But she already reads at a higher level than either of her parents, who have never been to school, and a hot meal is waiting for her at the school house, built through our partnership with the ROHI Foundation.

8 A.M. Haiti – At L’Ecole de Choix, students are finishing breakfast at school, provided by COCI’s donations. In a school where perhaps two-thirds of entering students suffer from malnutrition, these meals are critical to their ability to learn, grow and survive.

2 P.M. Bosnia – Special needs and non-challenged children play side by side at a daycare COCI helped found. The concept for the center is very simple; by opening its doors to both handicapped and non-handicapped children, mentally and physically handicapped children are mainstreamed into the local society, instead of condemning them to a life behind closed doors, shunned by their small village.

3 P.M. Kenya – A 12-year-old girl is nearing the end of her school day and getting ready to go back to her home in the SOS Children’s Village. She lives in a house with nine other orphaned or abandoned children. The SOS program COCI helps fund provides her with a stable, nurturing place to grow up, safe from institutional orphanages or the street.

For 25 years, Cherish Our Children International has cared for youths who live on the razor’s edge of survival. We need your help to give vulnerable children a fighting chance.


Here are the ways you can donate:

Donate online

Call us at (713) 836-9147.

Mail a check to Cherish Our Children International, P.O. Box 79457, Houston 77279-9457.

Thank you again!

Juli Hall, Founder

Cherish Our Children International


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