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Just One Week Until The COCI Dinner

On Wednesday night, June 16th, we hold our first live fundraising event since the pandemic! Join Co-Chairs, Amber Elliott, Stephanie and Ryan Fleck and Emily and Tug Hanley on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 for an intimate three-course dinner at B&B Butchers & Restaurant's cozy rooftop patio benefiting COCI's new GEMS program. We are thrilled to welcome Commissioner Adrian Garcia as the night's Keynote Speaker.

Restaurateur and COCI Board Member Benjamin Berg is underwriting this event, so all proceeds will go to support expanding GEMS -Gaining Empowerment in Middle School and its work with early adolescent children of incarcerated parents. Here's a special message from Ben about the event.

Because of the popularity of this limited capacity event, individual tickets for general seating are now SOLD OUT!


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